Kaity Wilson, Trauma Therapist

How to heal from trauma with somatic therapy now

Who is Kaity and what makes her different? 

Kaity is a warm person that has an uncanny ability to connect with others and create a safe space. She connects with her clients by celebrating the uniqueness and common humanity of every client. She empowers clients to identify and use their strengths during the healing process. 

Kaity utilizes a person-centered approach and collaborates with clients. She empowers them to sit in the driver's seat. Also, Kaity honors diversity and views her clients as the expert. 

How does Kaity’s past experiences influence her as a therapist today?

Kaity is passionate about therapy and is aware that trauma lives in the body. Kaity has grown and healed in her own therapy and has found peace through working with her body. 

Practicing trauma informed yoga was a life changing healing experience for her. Kaity uses somatic techniques that she has used in her healing journey and can empathize with her clients. 

Kaity has many years of experience in working with human trafficking survivors and sex workers. She has advocated for marginalized populations to empower them to meet their basic needs and thrive. She has been a calming and effective force during countless crisis situations. 

Kaity has touched the lives of many during her international work. She has worked with survivors in Asia, Costa Rica, India, and Mexico to name a few. Kaity’s international work has made her inclusive, culturally sensitive, and humble. 

What is Kaity’s specialty and how does she use somatic therapy? 

Kaity is trained in the trauma and resiliency model level 2. This model allows her to help clients understand the biology of traumatic stress reactions. In addition, she teaches clients how to return the body, mind, and spirit to balance. 

Often, following trauma and toxic stress clients have a dysregulated nervous system. This means that they may fall into depression and a freeze response. When they are triggered they may experience anxiety and uncomfortable physical responses. 

Kaity empowers trauma survivors to tap into their nervous system and body and regulate it. You can embrace a feeling of calm and presence with Kaity. 

Essentially, Kaity supports her clients in embracing a fulfilling and satisfying life.

How does Kaity work with complex trauma survivors?

When we have experienced intense pain and lack of safety our body and mind learns to expect the worst. To protect us from harm, our nervous system and body prepares us for a war. 

This reaction was helpful when we were unsafe. However, what if our fight and flight response and physical tension sticks around when we are safe? It makes it very difficult to be fully present and experience joy.

Often, trauma survivors are stuck in their trauma responses long after the threat has passed. Kaity empowers clients to calm their nervous system and process trauma with somatic therapy.

To process and heal from trauma we must be mindful of where we are feeling distress in the body and feel our emotions. However, this must be done with care. 

Kaity helps you slowly walk into, or titrate into, these sensations and retreat to safety. This titration allows you to process trauma sensations and emotions at your pace.

Sometimes, people experience a disconnect from their body. Kaity guides clients towards awareness of their bodily sensations. What does a pleasant sensation feel like to you? How does it feel to have your legs resting against a chair? 

How can Kaity help me step into peace and safety? 

Kaity uses grounding and mindfulness techniques to support clients in connecting with the body and feeling safe. How does it feel to hold sea glass in your hand? Does a mantra or music make you feel safe? 

Often, trauma survivors struggle to experience joy, relaxation, and peace. This is because it can be triggering because it was unsafe to be relaxed when a threat was present. Kaity guides clients to identify and tap into what brings them peace and joy. 

Usually, trauma survivors have a difficult time feeling a full range of emotions. Sometimes, intense emotions are avoided due to lack of skills to manage them. Kaity empowers her clients to develop skills that allow them to feel a full range of emotions and experience a fulfilling life.

growgood psychology has a team of therapists that are dedicated to support you during your healing process

To add, at growgood psychology we will create a safe holding space for you to connect with your body. We will help you acquire the skills that will support you in creating a fulfilling life. At growgood psychology you can learn to calm your nervous system with somatic therapy. You can achieve inner peace with our team of therapists

Finally,  connect with us now to begin the healing process and embrace growth with our trauma informed therapists!