Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Intensive Sessions


What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Is a clinically proven, effective technique that can initiate healing of different types of traumatic experiences in individuals. The basis of this intervention is bilateral stimulation (BLS).  BLS allows an individual to integrate their mind and body connection which can reduce any dissonance that might be keeping a traumatic memory stuck. The addition of (BLS) provides a decrease in nervous system activation so that one can recall distressful or challenging feelings, thoughts, memories, and beliefs about themselves in a more accessible way. Sometimes traumatic memories can get stuck in certain areas of our brains. EMDR helps to integrate all aspects of a trauma holistically, getting the memory unstuck and allowing the intricate system of the brain to initiate healing. Our brain wants to heal! We may just need a little help to get it moving. EMDR utilizes a detailed protocol and procedure that helps clients activate their own internal healing process. Therapists who practice this modality have been extensively trained by experts in the field and have had clinically supervised consultation hours.


These are for clients who are fairly familiar with therapy, have a good foundation of self regulating coping skills and want to work on particular memories or negative cognitions around traumatic events. It’s a limited amount of longer sessions to focus on either a specific target incident or a traumatic theme. These can be done at our office or virtually.

They entail:

  • an intake, resourcing & treatment planning session (2-4 hours a session)

  • 1-3 reprocessing sessions (2-6 hours a session)

  • 1-3 integration session after the reprocessing is complete (2-3 hours a session)


Clients who may be good candidates for an EMDR Intensive probably:

  • have had experience with therapy before and are familiar with the dynamics in the therapist/client relationship

  • have a foundation of helpful resources and coping skills for self regulation

  • have a specific memory/traumatic event/theme that they are wanting to process

  • feel “stuck” in specific areas of their current therapy situation (intensives can be done while in therapy with another therapist, a release of information can be sign to collaborate care)

  • feeling burnt out on traditional talk therapy

  • can emotionally and physically handle the intensity of extended sessions


does INSURANCE cover this? what is the cost?

Insurance may cover a part of your sessions. Managed Care (insurance companies) have their own regulations and expectations of what therapy looks like. For a standard outpatient provider like growgood psychology, they may cover the first hour of a session per day depending on many different factors. For an outpatient provider, they normally do not cover chunks of time or multiple sessions addressing the same issue in the same day. They have a standard treatment model they work off of. You can speak with our office coordinator to get an idea of what insurance may cover, who we are IN Network with and what your finical responsibilities would be for an EMDR Intensive. More often than now, you would need to be prepared to pay for services at the time you receive them.

At this time, our Lead Therapist Kaity and our owner, Clinical Supervisor, Dr. Mae provide EMDR Intensives. Their rates are $200 and $300 per hour, respectfully. The amount of time in each session and the number of sessions will be determined by these providers upon intake and is subject to change throughout the discovery.