Overcome illness with neurofeedback therapy

How to overcome illness and injury with neurofeedback therapy

Do you struggle with the effects of a brain injury and/or illness?

Do you feel as if you need something more than talk therapy and medication to heal?

Do you wish that you could rewire your brain and shape it in a way that leads to peace?

If you resonate with any of these, micro current neurofeedback may be the answer you have been looking for.

What is micro current neurofeedback?

Micro current neurofeedback is a safe and non-invasive treatment for adults and children. It empowers you to rewire your brain with low-impact electrical signals, or micro currents. 

Micro current neurofeedback involves placing electrodes on your head that assist with re-routing your brain wave patterns. It treats the root of the issue, not just the symptoms. When paired with talk therapy, this re-routing of brain wave patterns speeds up the healing process.

Micro current neurofeedback can help you heal from a variety of mental and physical illnesses. Lastly, it can empower you to reach your fullest potential and embrace a sense of calm. It has the power to make you more functional and live your life the way you want to.

How is IASIS micro current neurofeedback different from other neurofeedback methods?

IASIS micro current neurofeedback re-routes and heals your brain faster than traditional methods. According to IASIS technologies, more than 85% of their participants see positive results within three sessions. 

Unlike traditional neurofeedback, IASIS micro current neurofeedback does not require you to be an active participant. So, children and people with limited attention benefit from this therapy.

Traditional neurofeedback assists you in training your brain. IASIS micro current neurofeedback has the brain shift from its fixed patterns to more supportive ones. It guides the brain to make new connections and settle into a more productive and healthy way of being. 

How can a  micro current neurofeedback practitioner help me manage pain and stress?

First, since it is non-invasive and pain free it is great for people that experience chronic pain. Many that experience chronic pain due to accidents and/or illnesses feel less pain and benefit from this treatment. 

Often, high amounts of stress and/or trauma negatively impacts our brain and nervous system. Today, there are countless stressors in the modern world. Deadlines, busy streets, bills, work, and responsibilities can compound and harm our brain and nervous system. 

A micro current neurofeedback practitioner can help you correct deficiencies in the brain and nervous system! Healing the nervous system alleviates the symptoms of many illnesses. A healed nervous system allows us to feel calm and connect with others on a deeper level.

How can micro current neurofeedback help alleviate brain injuries and other illnesses?

Also, people that have concussions, brain injuries, and memory loss can heal with microcurrent neurofeedback. This treatment has the power to strengthen the mind and allow you to do feats you could do before an injury.

Microcurrent neurofeedback is used to treat anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADHD. It can also help alleviate addiction, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, lyme disease, and more. 

Microcurrent neurofeedback is known to support children and adults with Autism spectrum disorder. This treatment enables people to become more expressive, connect with others, and regulate themselves when stressors are present.

How can micro current neurofeedback help me start healing from PTSD, trauma, and related illnesses?

Often, people with a trauma history struggle with anxiety, depression, memory, sleep, and/or mood swings. Talk therapy alone, although helpful, can take a long time to heal significant trauma. Medication, although supportive for many, does not change the brain long term and has side effects.

Micro current neurofeedback can heal trauma by going to the root of the problem: the brain. Trauma changes our brain and brain waves which makes us live in fight, flight, and/or freeze. Micro current neurofeedback can control brain wave activity and rewire the brain for healing. 

You have the power to heal from trauma and illness and embrace growth. This is an invitation for you to step out of fear and into calm with micro current neurofeedback.

Grow Good Psychology has a team of therapists that strive to help you rewire your brain and overcome illness.

At growgood psychology we are dedicated to creating a safe space for you to rewire your brain and reach your full potential. Our therapists are dedicated to helping you overcome illness and create a life that is full of opportunities and joy.

Connect with us now to see if we are a fit for you!