5 Ways Adults with Anxiety Find Happiness in Therapy


Therapy for Adults with Anxiety

Do you find yourself panicking over every avenue and corner of your life and living in a reactive state? 

Do you find yourself falling into running thoughts that magnify negative feelings or events and scream to be heard?

Do you find yourself wishing that the inner monologue would give you a break and allow you to live your life the way you want to?

If so, anxiety therapy can support you in challenging your inner monologue and take control of your life. 

Read more to learn how.

1. An Acceptance Mindset

We believe that everyone has the ability to untap their inner peace and walk down the path of healing with the right skills. Often, a barrier to reaching our most fulfilled self is our lack of acceptance and self-love. 

First, approaching ourselves and our thoughts with acceptance is a beautiful form of self-love that turns us towards the path of healing. Our therapists can empower you by offering you the tools to paint a life full of self-acceptance and self-love. 

A huge step towards inner growth is accepting our thoughts and realizing that they are just that… thoughts. Often, our thoughts are not born from truth. They are splattered with our past experiences and words we have heard other people say. 

2. Start Seeing Life through an “AND/BOTH” lens instead of an “OR” lens

We can fuse our acceptance of who we are right now and our desire to grow and live a happier life. Yes, you can have both! You have the power to begin to shift your mindset and your self-talk while accepting that this is a process that will take time. Rome was not built overnight and neither will you. And that is ok! The process is as magnificent as the end product. 

3. Challenge negative thoughts and form positive self-talk

Perhaps, you are looking to develop skills to create a more loving and compassionate way to see and talk to yourself. Adults with anxiety need support in developing coping skills and forming new thought patterns. We will help you reframe the negative thoughts you hold about yourself and the world. 

Often, we hold assumptions about ourselves, others, and the world that aren’t necessarily true and don’t serve us. Our team of therapists can empower you to question your underlying assumptions and look at your life at a different angle. 

And, we shine light on what can be more true than the story you are telling yourself. Most importantly, we can support you as you rewrite your script and begin to talk to yourself in a way that supports you and the life you want to lead. 

4. Live in the Present Moment

Mindfulness has been popping up all over the place. You see it plastered all over your Instagram, Facebook, and magazines. Every therapist and friend that is on a self-help kick is raving about it. And for good reason! Being in the present moment and attending to our thoughts, feelings, and environment is a huge support in the midst of our busy lifestyles. 

You may be thinking “Ugh, I am not going to do mindfulness meditation. Forget it!” It isn’t all about meditation! Honestly, I am at my most peaceful when I am sitting at my table with a hot cup of green tea and looking at the snow falling to the ground. Time seems to be suspended as I feel my breath and the warmth that spreads throughout my body as I drink my hot cup of tea. 

In addition, I allow my thoughts to come and attend to them without judgement, then let them go. I look at the snow and could explain every inch of it if I was asked to because I am fully present in the moment. Practicing mindfulness flexes the muscle necessary to live our life and show up in the most present way possible. 

Also, practicing mindfulness allows us to be present and connect with others. It allows us to connect and understand ourselves. Most importantly, mindfulness allows us to experience the world at our fullest capacity. And, mindfulness gives us the tools to live life. 

5. Having a Safe Space to Practice

Therapy can support adults with anxiety in being mindful and showing up for yourself and others in the best way possible. 

It’s important to find a therapist who will create a safe holding space for you to reframe the way you see yourself and the world. You want a therapist who will apply a strengths-based approach and strive to connect with you on a human-to-human level. 

Therapists aren’t here to fix or label anyone because none of us are broken. They are here to be a partner that supports you in grasping your goals and empowers you to achieve inner peace. Anxiety Therapy for Adults will help you learn to overcome life’s obstacles with a clear mind and relaxed body.  

Finally, to give you and your thoughts the skills to attain inner peace of mind, connect with us at growgood psychology if you are in California now to see if we are the perfect fit for you!