7 Self-Care Strategies on a Budget


Why self-care is a necessity, not a luxury

We hear “self-care” get thrown around a lot- but what does it mean and why is it important? Isn’t it enough if I maintain my routine and am checking off all the things I need to do in a day? Doesn’t that count as taking care of myself? 

Unfortunately, no. If life were meant to be lived through a series of to-do lists and mindless work days, then you would absolutely be crushing the game. But life is more than just that. As the routines get built and settled into, and as the to-do lists continue to grow, you’ll notice that some days feel off. Some days, no matter how much you slept the night before or how much you accomplished in the day, feel empty. We easily get caught up in daily routines that we’re suddenly living a very robotic life- one we’re autopiloting our way through. 

Self Care Takes Intention 

This is where self-care comes in. Self-care adds an intentional moment into the day to relax and recharge. So much of our day is spent fulfilling tasks and mindlessly moving. It’s possible that doing the monotonous, day-to-day routines without any form of self-care can create added fatigue and restlessness. Self-care is important because it allows us to remember that we are not meant to live a boring life. Ups and downs come and go, but to expect ourselves to be static and rigid in those stages is disappointing. We are meant to experience all that life gives- including the slower and faster seasons. Taking care of our responsibilities is important- but so is taking care of ourselves.

Try These Low Budget Options 

Before you think that self-care is a luxury that can’t be afforded right now- whether it’s time or money- hold on! Self-care doesn’t need to be a time-consuming, expensive activity. In fact, some of the easiest ways to participate in self-care are free and will only take a fraction of your day! Here are some great, low-cost examples of what self-care can look like:

1. Meditate. This can be done in a variety of ways! Some examples include taking deep breaths, relaxing your body, and quieting your mind. Instead of thinking about the next thing you need to do, try to think about other topics, such as what you’re grateful for or how you can show up for yourself in that moment.

2. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Exercise can be so good for your brain and your body! It’s great for boosting your energy and your mood. You can even listen to a good podcast during this time if you want! 

3. Try a new recipe. There are so many new foods that are waiting to be tried! Try your hand at making a new recipe from scratch. Or, if time is limited, try a different variation of one of your favorite meals.

4. Stretch. Many of us work behind a computer for 8+ hours a day, which can be exhausting on its own. Take some time to stretch out your neck, back, arms, and any other limbs that might need some stretching. It’ll help relax your muscles too!

5. Call an old friend. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we miss someone until we talk to them again. It’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives that we forget about our community. Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, but would love to reconnect with.

6. Read a book. Unsure about this one? Don’t be- reading can be relaxing! A good book

can keep you engaged and entertained. The public library is free to use, but with digital options now readily accessible, you can also try to find a good book there. 

7. Try a new hobby. Do you know how to make pottery? What about planting a garden?

There are a multitude of hobbies waiting to be explored. The nice thing is, you can always have more than one! Give it a try- you might find a new favorite part of your day. 

The beauty of self-care is that it’s flexible. It adds a level of creativity and rest in an otherwise rigid lifestyle. There’s no dictionary definition of self-care, which is actually a good thing! For some, self-care looks like staying home and reading a good book. For others, self-care looks like going out in the city with friends. The bottom line is that self-care doesn’t have one single form or definition. It doesn’t require hours of your day or handfuls of money. As easy as it may be to ignore this need, don’t. Ignoring self-care can leave you feeling emptier and more fatigued. Instead, take a few minutes out of your day to try different activities out to see what works best for you. I promise that there is something for everyone!

growgood psychology has a team of therapists that can help you practice and/or develop additional self-care strategies to help support you.

Additionally, our therapists at growgood psychology can help you unpack some of the mundane, everyday activities that might be draining you. Self-care might be easier said than done for you- and that’s perfectly okay. Let’s explore how to practice it together- connect with us now to see if we can be a good fit for you!