How to Embrace Calm on Vacation

How to embrace calm on vacation with anxiety therapy now.

Why is it so hard for me to let go when I am on vacation?

Do you ever feel like you are more on an adventure than a break on vacation? Like, you need a vacation from your vacation?

For me, as a business owner, there is always something to do. So, the parade of to dos go through my mind when I have the sand between my toes. 

Also, sometimes our bodies are used to being electrified and on edge. Some of us survived because of this excess anxious energy. 

And it stuck around because our bodies learned that it was good for our survival. So… being on vacation in a calm place doesn’t necessarily mean we feel safe matching that calm within. 

How can I embrace calm on vacation?

It can be really difficult to let go and feel truly calm on vacation. Here are a few ways you can embrace a sense of calm and enjoy your vacation. 

  1. Set an intention. What is your intention for this vacation? What do you want out of it? When I go to the beach for a much needed vacation my intention is to enjoy and relax! 

Picture what you want the vacation experience to be like. I am picturing myself on a beach enjoying the sun and waves. I have a playful and happy spirit. 

That picture is your intention and what you deserve to experience on your vacation. 

  1. Do your actions match your intentions? Pay attention to your actions and ask yourself- are they aligned with your intentions? 

Sometimes, I find myself adventuring stressfully to try to take it all in before I leave. Or, I am concerned about whether my partner is having fun or what is going on at home. That doesn’t match my intention to relax. 

So, being aware of and curious about our actions can be helpful. Then, inviting ourselves to redirect and be in alignment with our intention can do wonders. 

Lay on the beach and relax! You deserve it. 

  1. Self compassion. In anxiety therapy, you can learn how to embrace self compassion. Being compassionate and understanding with ourselves when we are having a tough time being calm goes a long way. It takes practice and that is ok! 

  1. Speak to yourself with kindness. Sometimes, we jump to critical self talk when we realize we aren’t ‘relaxing enough.’ That critical harsh voice tends to wind us up even more! 

How would you speak to your best friend when they are struggling to let go? That is how I want you to communicate with yourself on your break! 

You can learn how to speak to yourself with kindness and compassion with anxiety therapy.

  1. Mindfulness. Mindfulness can look like being aware of the way the sand feels between your toes. It may look like paying attention to how the water feels as it brushes your skin. 

Mindfulness allows us to embrace all aspects of our vacation and tap into calm and joy.

Why do I feel so blah when I get back from vacation?

Usually, when I get back from vacation I have a difficult time getting back into the swing of things. The last thing I want to do is get back to work in a drab environment. 

Sometimes, the connection you had with the outside world seems to dwindle when you return. That makes so much sense and many of us feel that way. 

You are going from a beautiful and calming space where you can just vibe to stressors and responsibilities. Of course there will be some bumps along the way. 

But, it doesn’t have to always be such a drab coming back home. There are ways you can spruce up your space and daily life to tap into joy.

How can I step into joy and bring some of that vacation energy home with me?

  1. Make your space more enjoyable. What is it that you miss so much about your vacation? Can you create a space that brings up the energy and emotions you feel during your vacation?

Maybe, getting some plants and pictures of the beach brings you joy. Comfy pillows and candles may be your thing. Whatever it is, let it light up the energy in your space. 

  1. Take time to embrace joy. How else can you bring the vacation spirit and mood to home? You can schedule time to do what you love!

For me, making some matcha tea and walking around my backyard makes me feel centered. Moving my body makes me feel energized and connected to myself. 

At growgood psychology we have a team of therapists that can support you as you tap into joy and playfulness in your daily life.

We would love to support you as you create a life that you don’t feel the need to break away from. You can make a space that feels like a vacation with a therapist today. Connect with us today to start growing and embracing happiness with anxiety therapy.