Katelyn Kortz, DBT Therapist

How to Overcome Trauma with a DBT Therapist

Who is Katelyn and what are her specialties?

First, Katelyn Kortz is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and DBT therapist that has a passion for empowering adult trauma survivors. She excels at supporting clients that experience anxiety, depression, codependency, perfectionism, and/or struggle with regulating their emotions and nervous system.

Katelyn is driven to support people that are impacted by the military partly due to her own experience of being in a military family. Katelyn has an extensive background in supporting people that fight for our country and/or have a family member that is active duty.

Also, Katelyn has a history of working with children that have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Her background with this population has given her the tools to connect with and support children with ASD. Katelyn is driven to empower adults with ASD and support them as they navigate adulthood.

How does Katelyn support trauma survivors?

First and foremost, Katelyn creates a safe space and builds trust with her clients. Then, she begins to gather historical information and identifies how the client’s history may be impacting their life and current functioning. 

Katelyn believes in post traumatic growth and creates a safe environment to explore, heal, and grow from adversity and trauma. According to Katelyn, “We may be a product of the past but we do not have to be prisoners to it.” Katelyn collaborates with clients as they liberate themselves from further suffering.

How can a  DBT therapist help me?

Katelyn is trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Katelyn has a passion for empowering people to tolerate distress and be resilient in the face of adversity with DBT. A DBT therapist gives you the tools to be mindful and present in your life even when upsetting symptoms show up.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an evidence-based intervention that empowers people with emotional sensitivity to become unstuck and find balance. DBT teaches clients to hold opposites such as acceptance and the desire to change.

 In addition, it gives individuals the tools to regulate their emotions and nervous system. People that experience intense emotions, impulsivity, and/or unstable relationships tend to begin to develop a peace of mind with this intervention.

How does Katelyn help trauma survivors regulate their emotions and nervous system with DBT, distress tolerance, and mindfulness?

The main goal of DBT is to create a life worth living while balancing the dialectic of change and acceptance. Holding our desire to change while we accept our current situation and functioning empowers us to walk down the path of healing and meet ourselves with acceptance. Yes, you have the power to change and accept where you are right now! 

A DBT therapist teaches you both change and acceptance skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance. These skills enable you to regulate your nervous system, live in the present moment, and meet yourself and your life with a non judgemental attitude.

Distress tolerance skills enable you to calm your nervous system and feel a sense of calm in upsetting situations. These skills will empower you to reach a lower level of arousal and get your brain back online. 

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment and meeting it with a non judgemental attitude. Katelyn invites her clients to practice mindfulness to connect with their life, others, and themselves. Also, a mindfulness practice allows you to accept your reality and embrace your life as well as yourself.  

Mindfulness practice leads us to meet ourselves with curiosity and accept our emotions. Black and white thinking, such as seeing ourselves and others as good or bad, deteriorates as we embrace life as it is. Building acceptance and non judgement allows us to heal and disintegrates shame over time.

How can a CBT therapist help me?

Often, people hold beliefs, assumptions, and/or ways of thinking that limit themselves and impede their growth. A CBT therapist gives you the tools to challenge, evaluate, and modify unhelpful beliefs and ways of thinking. Challenging assumptions and beliefs will allow you to reach your fullest potential and embrace tranquility.

Also, Katelyn uses the cognitive triangle to show you how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence each other. Changing thought processes will impact how you feel and behave. Utilizing the cognitive triangle has the power to liberate you from unhealthy and distressing cycles of thinking, feeling, and behaving. 

CBT is an evidence-based therapy that greatly benefits people that experience anxiety and depression. CBT has the ability to help those that want to decrease intrusive thoughts and feelings that negatively affect their life.

How does Katelyn being a Daring way facilitator enable her to empower clients to step out of shame?

Shame is a universal emotion. We all experience it at some point in our lives. You may feel as if you are never smart enough, productive enough, pretty enough, etc. The feelings of not being enough is where shame lives and thrives.

Wholehearted living is believing that you are enough and worthy no matter what you do or don’t do. Katelyn can help you get out of the not enough mindset and step into self acceptance and love.  Embracing our worthiness and meeting ourselves with self compassion is the key to authenticity and connection.

growgood psychology has a team of trauma informed therapists that are dedicated to support you along your journey to wellbeing! 

We create a safe holding space for you to explore your emotions and strive to walk along your path of healing as you overcome the challenges that come with being a trauma survivor. 

We use evidence-based therapies, such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, to help you gain emotional regulation and a sense of peace. Our DBT therapist will assist you in acquiring the skills to live your life to the fullest. 

Finally, connect with us now to begin the healing process and embrace growth with our DBT counselors!