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Feel calm with anxiety therapy

How to feel calm and mindful with anxiety therapy now

Are you anxious, on edge, and jumpy throughout the day?

Do you find that you are on edge and looking for a possible threat more often than most?

Do you find yourself wishing that you could find a way to stay calm?

If so, you came to the right place! At Grow Good Psychology, we strive to support you on your road to finding a calmer body and mind. 

So, why am I so anxious and on edge all the time?

To begin, there are many stressors in the modern day. A life full of deadlines, work, traffic, and mile long to do lists is our reality. Then you add in a pandemic and a sprinkle of trauma

Everyone is stressed out of their minds right now! To top it all off, the more stress and perceived threats we encounter the more anxious and on edge our body and mind becomes.

Why do I get more anxious after upsetting events?

So, have you noticed that you became more anxious and on edge after threatening events? There is a reason for this! The amygdala is the part of our brain that learns from negative experiences that are perceived as threats.

 Our amygdala, the emotion center of our brain, houses hundreds of circuits that support how we love, bond with, and feel anger towards others. It alerts the rest of your mind and body when it feels as if you are under attack and at risk of suffering. It is your protector and inner fire alarm. 

The amygdala learns what to fear and protect us from while we go about our lives by observing the emotions we tie to the objects, people, and situations we cross. You can think of it as the amygdala looking at a snapshot of a memory that has a strong emotion like fear attached to it. 

It doesn’t know the context of why your fear came to be so it generalizes the entire environment as being the culprit. When we come across something that was in our vicinity during a traumatic event the amygdala sets off an alarm. 

It tells your mind and body to be on edge, constantly looking for threats, even when you are safe. This is necessary for our survival, but our protector can make mistakes and confuse a house cat with a lion.

How can I calm myself down from being anxious with anxiety therapy?

You are not to blame for your overactive amygdala. Your protector has learned to be on edge because of the situations you have been exposed to. Luckily, there are many ways that you can soothe your amygdala. 

You can calm your fire alarm by doing slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing. The rise and fall of your breath will lead you back to homeostasis by activating the vagus nerve. 

Regular aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep do wonders in calming our amygdala! There are plenty of other ways to calm the amygdala that can be explored in therapy. 

Your walk along the path of healing can start right here and now. The first step starts with a deep breath and the desire to mold our surroundings into a healing space.

How can anxiety therapy help me eliminate my anxious thought patterns?

Identify a common theme that your thoughts follow that doesn’t serve you. Are those thoughts unsupportive because the rhetoric is judging you or the world you live in harshly? 

Maybe you often find yourself thinking that you are incompetent or a bad person. Possibly, you are fixated on your belief that everyone is judging you. You find yourself thinking that they must be judging you since there are so many things wrong with you! 

Also, you may think that the world is a dangerous place because past experiences suggest that it is. These anxious thoughts don’t necessarily mirror your current reality. You are not a bad person and you are most likely not in immediate danger. 

So, how can we mold those thoughts into ones that are more useful and help you live a fulfilling life? We support you in reframing your thoughts and the way you view yourself and the world so that you can feel less anxious and on edge. In addition, our therapists can support you in being in the present moment. 

Lastly, through mindfulness you can meet your thoughts and feelings with a nonjudgmental attitude. Our Grow Good Psychology team arms you with tools that help you regulate your thoughts, emotions, and body.

Grow Good Psychology has a team of anxiety therapists that strive to help you develop the skills to calm your body and mind as you walk down your path of healing

To add, at Grow Good Psychology we are dedicated to create a safe environment and strong relationship with your therapist so that you feel seen and heard. Our therapists strive to connect with you on a human-to-human level with anxiety therapy. 

Also, we help you identify coping skills that will help you eliminate the hold anxiety has on you and your life. We are here to be a partner that supports you in your journey and empowers you to achieve inner peace. At Grow Good Psychology you can grow as you develop a clear mind and relaxed body. 

Finally,  connect with us now to begin the healing process and embrace growth with our anxiety therapists!