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Six Ways to Fix Burn Out

What is burnout and what does it look like?

Burnout is a phenomenon that causes individuals to experience both physical and psychological systems that often lead to reduced levels of productivity, energy, and satisfaction. It can look like a slow decline in satisfaction with work-related activities or an inability to match expectations, both of which can cause other symptoms. Examples include exhaustion, loss of motivation, compromised immune system, irritability, increased alcohol or substance use, and more. Burnout can look different for everyone, but its effects eventually take a toll on the body. 

What causes burnout?

Burnout is most often caused by problems at work, such as hard deadlines, a growing caseload, or poor team management. However, that is not the only cause! Burnout can also come from personal life, such as caretaking, parenting, or juggling too many responsibilities. Burnout can stem from a multitude of areas and cause you to feel tired in every part of your life, so finding ways to fix it is vital.  

Is it normal to feel burnout?

Burnout and compassion fatigue are, unfortunately, very common in today’s day and age. The hustle culture that is prominent in today’s day and age leaves many people working long work hours with little rest, causing an imbalance in daily life. The pressure to continue pushing yourself past a breaking point in order to get to the top leaves little room for grace and self-compassion. Continuing this trend for too long can leave you numb and desensitized. It’s easy to forget to unpack some of the heavier days when heavier days become normalized. So no, you are not alone in this- but this shouldn’t be the norm!

What can I do to fix it?

Fortunately, there are some ways to mitigate the effects of burnout. Some of these suggestions may be easier than others, so those can be good starting points! For additional help, this book can be helpful. 

  • Talk to people: you can do this over a cup of coffee, over lunch, or just over the phone. Connecting with others is a great way to step back for a moment!

  • Take regular breaks: when it’s time to clock out for lunch, do just that. Try not to work while on your lunch break! 

  • Consider taking PTO or a vacation: Now, this one might not be as easy to do, but sometimes it helps if you physically take a break and go somewhere relaxing. You can go somewhere near or far, but make sure you give yourself permission to fully enjoy that break! 

  • Move: take a walk, go swimming, or learn a new dance. Whatever will get your body moving is good!

  • Discuss work-related problems with your manager or supervisor: Feel like your tasks are accumulating? Ask if there’s a way to negotiate timelines or tasks. Additionally, you could ask if there’s room to re-discuss your role in your workplace.

  • Practice self-care: You might hear this phrase a lot- so it’s of utmost importance to finally try it! Self-care can look like cooking a nice meal for yourself, exercising, or spending time with loved ones. For additional self-care tips, check out our other blog

growgood psychology has a team of therapists that can help you work through your burnout in a supportive environment.

You are not alone for feeling burnout. With the right support system, it’s possible to overcome it. Our therapists at growgood psychology can help you unpack some of the things in life that might be draining you and causing you to feel burnout. Let’s talk about how to figure it out together- connect with us now to see if we can be a good fit for you!